Mark de Witte is an attorney since 1984. Marks goal is to provide his clients with qualified legal advice and thorough assistance during the litigation. Personal contact is essential in advocacy. You can find Marks office in the Joseph Ledelstraat 116 in The Hague.
Mark de Witte specializes as personal injury lawyer. He also specializes in the cases that concern the social benefits and UWV and that are lead against the Municipalities and UWV. The office is located on the Joseph Ledelstraat 116 in The Hague. The best way to approach Mr. De Witte is to arrange an appointment. This can be done by phone.
You can call the office daily between 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. during the weekdays. You can always leave a message the answering machine and you will be called back as soon as possible.
The office cooperates using a high trust principles with the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand. The office also takes part in Geschillencommissie Advocatuur.
Postal and visiting address:
Accessibility by car and public transport:
It’s easy to get to the office by car through the Koningin Emmakade street. You can park your car for free in the neigberhood. You can get to our office with the public transport use the tram line nr. 3, stop Elandstraat or tram line nr. 12, stop Weimarstraat.